Terdiri dari :
- Medium Stak N Stor (2 bh)
- Large Stak N Stor (1 bh)
- Jumbo Stak N Stor (1 bh)
- Bonus : Small Round Container & Booklet
Carnatia Collection Rp. 576.000
Terdiri dari :
- Oval Server With Spoon (1 bh)
- Saucy Dish (1 bh)
- serving Dish with Colander (1 bh)
- Soup Server with Landle (1bh)
- Bonus : Ideal Bowl (2 bh)
Brilliant Collection Harga Rp. 353.000
Tediri dari :
- Modular Mates Oval 1 (1 bh)
- Modular Mates Oval 2 (1 bh)
- Modular Mates Oval 3 (1 bh)
- Modular Mates Square 3 (1 bh)
- Bonus : Sticker Label Makanan, Booklet, 1 Scoup
FrizyGreen Collection Rp. 465.000
Terdiri dari ;
- Mini Freezer Mate With Dial (4 bh)
- Pocket Freezer Mate with Dial (2 bh)
- Medium Freezer Mate with Dial (1 bh)
- Bonus : Booklet